
Below you can find all publicly available deliverables and their planned release dates for the R&D work packages (deliverables marked in green can already be downloaded):

  • WP2 (Scenarios, Use Cases, and Requirements)
  • WP3 (Modelling and Impact Assessment of Automated Vehicles)
  • WP4 (Traffic Management Procedures in Transition Areas)
  • WP5 (Connectivity and Signalling)
  • WP6 (System Integration and Evaluation)
  • WP7 (Real-World Prototype)
  • WP8 (Guideline and Roadmap)
  • WP9 (Dissemination, Knowledge Transfer and Exploitation)

WP2 (Scenarios, Use Cases, and Requirements)

D2.1Use Cases and Safety and Efficiency Metrics for Smooth and Safe Traffic Flow in Transition AreasJan18
D2.2Scenario Definitions and Modelling RequirementsFeb19

WP3 (Modelling and Impact Assessment of Automated Vehicles)

D3.1Modelling, Simulation, and Assessment of Automations and BehaviourSep20
D3.2Cooperative Maneuvring in the Presence of Hierarchical Traffic ManagementFeb20

WP4 (Traffic Management Procedures in Transition Areas)

D4.1Overview of Existing and Enhanced Traffic Management ProceduresSep19
D4.2Preliminary Simulation and AssessmentJan21
D4.3Translation of traffic management measures to iCS, scale-up, and wider deploymentMay20

WP5 (Connectivity and Signalling)

D5.1Definition of V2X message setsAug19
D5.2V2X-Based Cooperative Sensing and Driving in Transition AreasMar20
D5.3Protocols for Reliable V2X Message ExchangeMar20
D5.4Signalling for Informing Conventional VehiclesMay20

WP6 (System Integration and Evaluation)

D6.1An Integrated Platform for the Simulation and Assessment of Traffic Management Procedures in Transition AreasOct18
D6.2Assessment of Traffic Management Procedures in Transition AreasFeb21

WP7 (Real-World Prototype)

D7.2System Prototype DemonstrationFeb21

WP8 (Guideline and Roadmap)

D8.1Stakeholder Consultation ReportAug20
D8.2Results of the Meta-AnalysisDec20
D8.3Guideline and RoadmapFeb21

WP9 (Dissemination, Knowledge Transfer and Exploitation)

D9.4TransAID SymposiumAug19
D9.5TransAID Final ConferenceDec20